Wednesday, October 26, 2011

20 October Notes

20 October 2011
Quinebaug Valley Greens Local
Meeting at the Joshua Hyde Library , Sturbridge, MA

Attendees: Maureen Doyle, Gus Steeves, Daphne Stevens

Time: 11:20p
State Redistricting: how with this affect our districts; Durant will still be Worcester 6th(Charlton, Southbridge, Dudley and a bit of Spencer), Smola will be 1st Hampden (including Warren, Brimfield, Sturbridge., Wales, Palmer, and Holland); Kuros is still Uxbridge (but he is farther away from us); we will come in contact with Frost more as he is Worcester 7th including Auburn, Millbury, and Oxford; Fattman will cover Webster, Douglas, and Sutton.
Letter promoting an agriculture program in a local high school (the new Southbridge High school would be perfect because they are still constructing it). We will send the letter to Eric Eli; Jeffry Zanghi (the curriculum specialist);  Reps. Durant, Smola, and Kuros
What other ag programs are there: Killingly, CT high school, UMASS Extension
Ag curriculums: I searched for agro ecology programs. Most seem to be at the college level. The author of my agro ecology 101 book, Miguel Altieri, is behind most of them.
Occupy and Mark Miller: Discussed these recent events. We need to contact Grace Ross to see how we can get involved in Occupy Worcester

Next Meetings at 11am, at the JHL:
October 27 and November 17th

GUS: Pen letter to reps about chickens; to Durant say, “Following up on our discussion at you Sothbridge Twn Hall Office Hours”
ALL: Research agriculture Curriculum
MAUREEN: tell Eric Eli about the Vernal Pool at the new high school site
ALL: Ask the Zepps , who are neighbors to the new school, if they will help. Can they tell us what predators are up there?
ALL: visit the Deep Green website  ( and on Facebook
MAUREEN: Ask Jack Kittredge if he will speak about chicken ownership
MAUREEN: Contact Dave Wilson, from UW, to ask about agroecolgy curriculum (DONE- I couldn’t find him!)
MAUREEN: write to Bob Datz regarding holding a ‘living room meeting’ regarding corporate personhood

Notes of September 22

22 September 2011
Quinebaug Valley Greens Local
Meeting at the Joshua Hyde Library , Sturbridge, MA

Attendees: Maureen Doyle, Gus Steeves, Daphne Stevens

Time: 11:20p

Locavesting speaker at JEL: Gus talked to Margaret Morrissey at the Jacob Edwards Library about the possibly of the author of Locavesting coming to speak there. There is nothing definite so any planning on our part would be immature.

Office Hours of our Local Representatives:
Brewer: D- Barre; Tatman House, 20 Common St., Barre, MA 01005, 978-355-244 4or Room 212 Boston, MA 02133:Chair, Senate Ways and Means Committee, Chair of the Joint Committee on Ways and  Means, Joint Committee on Rules, Senate Committee on Ethics and Rules
Smola: R- Palmer; Room 156, Boston, MA 02133 ; 617-722-2240; House Committee on Bonding, Capital Expenditures, and State Assets and Joint Committee on Public Service.
Durant: R-Spencer; Room 33, Boston, MA 02133, 617-722-2060; joint Committee on elder affairs and the joint committee on transportation.
Kuros:  R-Uxbridge, Room 443, Boston, MA 02133, 617-722-2460

Wording for a Petition to our State Legislators:  to allow persoanla use of chickens for property owners that do NOT have 5 acres. Include:
-- chicken rearing for personal use (not commercial use)
--this helps the local economy (each chicken owner will purchase food, shavings as well as other supplies for them)
--we , the undersigned, seek an amendment to MGL tpo allow chickens for property owners with ¼ acre or more
--with the following restrictions:
Non-commercial- use only; hens only (no roosters)
-- notices to abutting occupied houses
--this shall be a by-right use, up to a dozen hens per acre, pro-rated for smaller acrages
--chickens make much less noise than lawn mowers, neighbors with blaring radios, etc.